Saturday 26 October 2013



Life is a bed of roses they say,
The softness of the petals,
The strength of vermillion,
The warmth of affection,
The barbs of betrayal,
Discarded after an upheaval.

Life is like a deserted highway road they say,
sometimes never-ending,
With twists and turns,
Leading you to unknown destinations,
You pass by many milestones,
Yet think of the many left untouched.

Life is like an empty canvas,
Only the Artist knows the master plan,
Which dots to connect,
And which colour suits the palette,
The beauty becomes evident only at the end,
When it all comes together and makes HIM content.

I strive for better things every single day,
Looking for meaning in my own ways,
The dawn awakens with great promise in my eyes,
By night the shoulders are bent with the weight of expectations and hope,
Give us the purpose of this precious life, O LORD!
So that I serve you to earn my reward.