Thursday 6 January 2011


My purpose of naming the blog 'Defining Life' was because I'm constantly trying to look for my purpose, like Mother Teresa found her calling in serving the destitute's of Kolkata. The following poem was one of the first I ever wrote. Like the previous poem, the language might be crude or childish, but the intention: true. Don't know when I would finally understand how to define life. Until then I persist:

I ponder and ponder over what is life

I often wonder what it is like

Worrying about tomorrow drains our whole life

Life is to live each moment on its own merit.

A casket of mysteries is life,

A mystery that should always remain unsolved.

On seeing a great man dead

‘Why hast Thou lifted his soul?’ I asked God.

I ask God when I look into the mirror,

‘Why hast Thou given him this life?’

He never answers me

I never know the reason why?

Maybe its this what makes life what it is.

‘Life is what you make of it’ said somebody,

‘Life is what destiny’s chosen for you,’ said another.

For a new born

The effort to survive is what is life

And for the aged it is the enduring sleep that is life.

So friends,

Whatever be the definition of life

Live it by your own rules,

‘Cause life comes once not twice.’

Old memories

Yes, this is the second post of the day. I'm on a roll. Get over it.

I just stumbled upon a couple of my old poems which I had penned while in school. Hope you like it:

Life occurs once not twice,
Live In Fullest Enthusiasm- is the Full Form of life;
GOD! Thank You for this gift of yours,
Breathed through the nostrils of Adam,
And into the body of Eve was life;
None can take life,
None can give life,
Other than the one above;
In the womb of a mother,
A new life is formed,
Eager to step into this dirty but beautiful world;
Life is created not to be wasted,
But to be utilized to its fullest potential,
A chance never to be forgotten,
Life overflows in the person with unlimited love for all,
How great an opportunity to live life!
Are the synonyms of Life,
Therefore my friends “LIVE LIFE KINGSIZE”.

Happy New Year Folks!

Yeah, yeah...I know. I've been lazy. My lackadaisical attitude towards my blog makes me hang my head down in shame.

Well, its the new year and time for resolutions. Nah, I don't want to go that side. I would like to say that there would be persistent efforts by me to update the blog. The year gone by has been a roller coaster ride with several crests and troughs in its graphs. The new year brings great promise and GOD willing some concrete actions.

While I was working on the 31st of last year, I got some moments during work to pen down some thoughts about the moment of changing from the old to the new. It was sudden and I always like it when inspiration strikes. I read this out to my work colleagues when we celebrated our new years away from the maddening crowds. Here's how it goes:

An ode to the year gone by,
All our trials and tribulations goodbye,
Cheers, adiĆ³s, GODspeed 2010.
It's time to look at all those moments,
which made us cry, moan and dry,
happy, upbeat and filled with joy.

Now is the moment of poignance,
When you step into the new
and leave the old behind.
A fresh start and a close to earlier proceedings.
A common belief is to start anew,
Continue striving, Continue excelling.

Do what you used to do,
But as if your life depended on it.
Let me finish by wishing you well for the year gone by,
and the one that lies ahead.
I thank the ONE above and hope that 2011 is
that moment in life when your dreams come true!